On September 24, 2022, our apprentice Laura Kreuzeder received a great honor.

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90 employees as well as guests celebrated an exuberant party at the Neumayr Hof in Uttlau. Although the weather gods caused the organizers to reschedule at short notice and move the event indoors, this did not affect the mood in any way.

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Champions on tour was the name of the event last Saturday, where we were invited to a joint rafting tour to Kössen. After the bus ride, we strengthened ourselves for the upcoming tour at the Erzherzog Rainer inn with a joint lunch.

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Today we had the pleasure to welcome our 7 new trainees.

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On July 22, 2022, we welcomed our employees including their families to our summer party at the St. Georgen plant.

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On 11 July 2022, trainees Susanne Still and Laura Kreuzeder had a great day.


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Neumayr is donating a total of € 15,000 to three aid organizations for Ukraine. We hope that with our help we can make a small contribution to tackling the many tasks on site.

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Today we were able to announce the results of our 3 apprentices Helena Hupfloher, Simon Hinterwinkler and Jakob Pitscheneder for their intermediate TSP exams.

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On Monday 14.03.2022 we have extended our machine park in St. Georgen with a new machining center for wood.

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